How do you increase the reproducibility and replicability of your research?

When you do research, it is important to ensure that it is reproducible and replicable. What is reproducibility? What is replicability? How do you get your research to be both reproducible and replicable? In this article, we help you with those questions.

What are reproducibility and replicability?

Reproducibility means that you can redo a previously conducted study with exactly the same data and using the same method to arrive at the same results. This shows that the study was conducted properly and that the analysis is correct. 

Replicability means repeating the study using the same method, but with a new data set, and arriving at the same results. If the same results are found, it indicates a reliable study. 

A study that is reproducible is not necessarily replicable. You may arrive at different results with a new data set.

Why are reproducibility and replicability important?

It is important that others can repeat your conducted research with the same data (reproduce). This shows that the results you found are reliable. Your research is more likely to be reproducible if you use a well-thought-out research method and ensure that (if you are working with multiple researchers) different researchers are working in the same way.

In addition, replicability is important because your results found may not necessarily be representative of every situation. To make sure your results are not a fluke, you want to show that your research is replicable. That means that a subsequent researcher with a different data set will arrive at similar results.

How do you ensure that your research is reproducible and replicable?

The most important step for reproducibility and replicability is to clearly describe in the method chapter how you conducted the study. In doing so, be very specific. For example, indicate where you conducted the study, why you chose a particular research method, and how you selected the sample. Further, describe each step of the research procedure and indicate what you did to increase reliability and validity. 

Do not forget to include surveys, interview transcripts, or research protocols used in the appendices. 

It is also important that you proceed carefully through every step of your methodology. For example, make sure that different researchers take the same approach as they advance through your research. A research protocol can help with this. 
Did things turn out differently than hoped or did something happen that might have affected the results? If so, mention that in the suggestions for follow-up research in the discussion section.

What else should you consider for your research?

You must make a variety of choices about the research you will conduct as early as when you are creating your research plan. The choices you make are important for things like replicability and reproducibility. So, familiarize yourself well with the various research methods, make a correct data analysis plan, and read up on the subjects of reliability and validity. This way, you can conduct your research properly.